3 Ways to Enhance the Communication Journey for Insurance Customers

by | Sep 17, 2021

Is your insurance organization providing customers with the best communication journey possible?

Insurance customers may have put up with sparse communication in the past, but these days, what they expect to receive from their insurer is benchmarked against what they experience from other providers.  Customers want relevant and useful information from their insurer or broker, and they want it delivered via the channel they prefer.

The two key requirements to make this happen are personalizing every communication and giving the customer the ability to select their channel preferences. And, as with any strategy, communication must continually be enhanced to align with customer expectations. Fortunately, there are many ways to improve the communication journey for insurance customers.

Doxim can help your insurance organization delight and retain customers by optimizing their communication journey. CONNECT WITH A DOXIM CCM EXPERT TO LEARN MORE

Here are three ways your insurance organization can enhance its communication strategy:

1. Review your communication design with the customer in mind

There’s a good chance certain communications going out to customers were implemented years ago. These communications may not align with your newer campaigns and could be causing fractures in the customer communication journey.

To mitigate this, you need to review all the communications that make up a customer journey.  Regardless of delivery channel, all the communications a customer receives need to be aligned to a creative standard.

When developing the standard, make sure all design decisions are made with the customer’s needs in mind (not what the source system is able to output). For example, complex communications can be made simpler by providing a summary or index page with the key information. Customers that want the details can continue via links to documents housed online.

2. Be critical about whether each communication is necessary and if it enhances the communication journey for insurance customers

Improving the communication journey is not only a matter of design. It is just as important to ensure that the information is both relevant and useful to each individual.

When reviewing each communication, ask your team:

Is this communication vital to the communication journey?

Does the content enhance the customer’s experience?

Could the relevancy be improved?

Relevancy requires personalization, which is based on the accuracy and depth of the data you have on each customer. Consequently, gathering and analyzing customer data should be a key component of your communication strategy.

3. Ensure that customers know their personal information is secure

Consumers are increasingly aware of the risk of sharing their personal information and expect their service providers to protect sensitive information. Insurers, specifically, tend to hold information that customers want to keep confidential, such as what property and moving assets they own, and the value of their household contents.

Included in every communication should be an assurance that customers’ personal information is safe and secure while under your control. And provide education around how the customer can lower the risk of exposure by adjusting their own online behavior.

With the increased spotlight on data privacy and security around the world, it makes sense to be proactive about communicating your data protection practices, rather than waiting for an incident that forces you to share this information.

Doxim’s strategic approach to optimizing the communication journey for insurance customers

Doxim’s communications experts are experienced in optimizing the customer communication journey, supported by our all-inclusive customer communications management platform, Doxim CCM, which enables omnichannel communications.

We will ensure your insurance customers experience the best possible communication journey, by:

  • Enabling the customer to select their channel preferences across print and digital options
  • Personalizing communications according to available data, and consolidating multiple data sources
  • Designing communications with the customer in mind
  • Aligning all communications that support a customer journey
  • Providing an operational framework that is secure and protects sensitive information

Let’s chat through your insurance organization’s specific customer communication requirements. CONNECT WITH ME

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Scott has 25 years of experience in Customer Communications Management (CCM), with a primary focus on delivering exceptional results for the financial services industry. In his current position as CRO, Scott oversees all revenue-generating activities and works closely with executive leadership, sales, solutions and partners, to develop and execute a revenue strategy that further positions customers and the business for maximum shared success. He leverages his extensive knowledge of CCM, regulated and financial services to improve customer experience, drive operational effectiveness and achieve cost optimization through digital technologies.

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