Enhance Customer Engagement With Interactive Video

by | Sep 29, 2022

6 Ways Interactive Video Can Enhance Customer Engagement And Improve Customer Relationships

Connect customer with video

If you are looking for a way to cut through the noise and reach and successfully engage with your customers, it’s time to take a look at video. Video’s influence has grown exponentially in the past decade, and there seems to be no ceiling to this demand, with some estimates suggesting that online videos will make up more than 95% of all consumer internet traffic by 2030.

In fact, 84% of people say that they have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. This goes a long way to explaining why 86% of businesses in 2021 used video as a marketing tool, up from 61% in 2016.

72%72% prefer to watch a video rather than read text to learn about a product or service

90%90% of customers who receive a personalized video report greater satisfaction with, and a better understanding of, that company’s products and services.

Video is no longer just one of the optional components in your overall marketing plan. It needs to be a central part of your outreach and campaign efforts. To get you started, here are some proven strategies to leverage content and optimize your video marketing.

6 ways high-performing interactive video can build customer relationships, enhance customer engagement, boost retention, and increase overall marketing ROI

People want the ability to select the channel they would prefer their service provider to use, when communicating with them. A single channel strategy assumes all people are alike, which is not the case.

1. Get educational

The “fight for eyeballs” is more than just about creating moving images. People want to be informed as well as entertained, so create educational videos as an opportunity to share knowledge. 65% of people are visual learners anyway, so people walk away from an engaging and informative video feeling good that they learned something.

Also, never forget though that a consumer’s time and attention is a limited resource, so you’ll need to maximize your efforts by ensuring your videos are short and concise.

Interactive video provides the ‘personal touch’ needed to drive engagement, conversions, and revenue

Book a consultation today to learn how Doxim Interactive Video can drive increased satisfaction, engagement, conversions, and revenue. Book Now

2. Help customers find their own answers

Customers churn when they encounter information or process roadblocks, so create videos that fulfill customers’ needs and provide valuable information.

By offering a helpful, comprehensive self-service knowledge base – for example, a series of easy-to-understand explainer videos based on your customers main concerns or issues – you’ll provide them with easy to access, valuable answers to their questions and facilitate their user journeys, which goes a long way to nurturing customer loyalty.

3. Put the right foot forward during onboarding

We assume customers know what to do and how to complete transactions, but that’s often not the case. Engaging, informative, and easy to create and digest videos simplify and automate the onboarding experience.

Personalized video is an excellent way to explain the ins and outs of onboarding in more detail, especially at churn points or for customer service FAQs. A well-executed video that covers key concerns, optimally placed on the customer journey, will improve customer satisfaction and reduce inquiries, saving you time and money. In fact, 88% of video marketers reported that video gives them a positive ROI.

4. Showcase a product or service

Investing in a good video content marketing strategy means building a library of short, engaging videos that explain complex information or highlight how your product solves a problem.

One great example is to use personalized interactive videos to demonstrate how to get maximum value out of a product, be it a financial report or a digital tool or service you provide. Additionally, in-depth video can explain the features of your products and how to use them. Explaining your product this way reveals how effective and valuable your services are, while at the same time accelerating their customer journey and debunking any myths about its difficulty.

5. Make authentic personal connections

Videos are a great medium to show off the human side of your business, especially at a time when many consumers are turned off by overly generic and impersonal messaging – a recent Salesforce survey found that 84% of consumers say being treated like a person, not a number, is very important to winning their business.

In other words, people miss the human aspect of marketing and 1:1 interactive personalized video puts a face on your business and makes your viewer feel more connected to your brand. It is this kind of authentic connection that increases the engagement you need with your target audience for higher conversion rates.

Doxim Interactive Video delivers personalized, interactive, data-driven experiences across touchpoints of your customer journey. Book a consultation to learn more

6. Generate leads with value-added content

Personalized video is a great way to reach new audiences on different platforms, grab their attention, and bring them into your funnel.

People are already primed to respond to video, so when you can reach them with content that is engaging and informative, they will pay attention and convert. That’s why 84% of video marketers say video has helped them generate leads.

Case in point: educational video updates. Creating a personalized video that features your latest offering – tailored to be relevant to each customer, based on their data you’ve collected – and provides pertinent information about a product they already interested in often means you have a captive audience.

Interactive experiences enhance customer engagement and build customer relationships

People watching video

With 71% of consumers watching more videos online than they were a year ago, organizations can no longer ignore the growing popularity of the medium. Most importantly, they need to set a clear goal for their video content marketing strategy: to create high-quality videos, and the more informative, helpful, and authentic the content, the better it will be received.

As Forbes recently pointed out, video marketers should also be striving to create an “interactive experience.” Consumers want to take ownership of their decision-making and help shape a company’s culture and service offerings, so Forbes goes on to recommend doing away with passiveness and finding new ways to interact directly with your audience and keep them engaged.

By incorporating Doxim’s personalized interactive video functionality into your customer communication strategy, you can enhance customer engagement and deliver low cost, 1:1 videos from templates that have proven to be effective and yield maximum ROI. These 1:1 videos can augment your sales and service teams and reduce cost-per-sale/service, while still providing a great CX with a personal touch.

Chat to us about how you can benefit from integrating personalized video into your customer communication management strategy. Book a consultation Now

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Olga Zakharenkava
Vice President, Former CCM Product Management & Product Marketing at Doxim.
Olga focuses on delivering business value to Doxim’s clients through world-class SaaS CCM solutions. She has a strong background in CCM technology for the regulated industries, product management and project management.
Olga joined Doxim in 2017 as the head of Product Marketing, Demand Generation, and Communications, and prior to Doxim, held product, marketing and strategy leadership positions at companies of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500, including Telmetrics, OpenText, and JVL.
Olga holds an MBA from the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, an Honors Master's degree in Finance, and an Honors Bachelor's degree in Economics and International Management. Olga is a regular contributor to industry media, covering topics in marketing, financial services, productivity, and work management.

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