Data Is What Fuels Digital Communication Success in Credit Unions

by | Sep 15, 2021

How Your Credit Union Can Alleviate Data Challenges And Achieve Digital Communication Success

It’s no secret that credit unions have been attracting and retaining members, for many years now, due to their local, high touch and personalized service.  Members appreciate having personal relationships with their service representatives, and the ability to contact management directly when there’s an issue, or just for financial advice. Now, however, member expectations are evolving, with a much greater emphasis on being able to engage  and even transact with their credit union, without visiting the branch.

With the increasing demand for online services and digital communication, your credit union must pay renewed attention to the lifeblood of digital success, and that is . . . data.

Quite simply, data is what fuels the digital engine. To compete in the digital race and ensure digital communication success in credit unions,  quality fuel (I.e. complete and accurate data) is key. Sub-standard fuel means slow performance and lagging at the back of the  group.

We can help your credit union leverage the power of data to achieve digital communication success. CONTACT A DOXIM CCM EXPERT TODAY


Disparate systems, data security and business continuity are key challenges for credit unions wanting digital success

But getting to a point where data boosts the business, rather than hinders it, is a challenge for any sized credit union.

Growth and IT investment over time often results in disparate and isolated systems that each hold an important fragment of the data that is required to achieve a seamless digital experience. Without a consolidated view of member data, and the ability to monitor all member interactions in one place, providing a seamless digital experience is tough.

There are other challenges relating to data that need to be addressed, including data security. Gone are the days when a member’s financial affairs were filed away in a locked cabinet in the manager’s office, or stored on an internal network. Nowadays, everything is and must be connected, and to provide the level of digital engagement that members expect, your credit union has to embrace online services and digital communication. With this evolution comes the very real risk of exposing member information if the right data security systems, protocols, and practices are not in place.

Another risk of digitalization relates to business continuity. What happens if the systems that house important data and the platforms that enable members to transaction and interact with your credit union become unavailable? This would be disastrous for  your organization’s reputation and severely impact its ability to provide services to members.

The right vendor can help alleviate the data challenges of digitalization and enable digital communication success in credit unions

These data related concerns can be overwhelming for a credit union, especially one that is focused on growth and providing a high level of service to its members. Credit unions also typically do not have a large IT team or budget. Fortunately, selecting the right communications vendor can alleviate the data challenges of digitalization and mitigate the risks relating to data security and business continuity.

Doxim’s Customer Communications Management platform, supported by our experienced data and digital communications experts, addresses all of these key requirements, including consolidating multiple data sources, data security and protection, and business continuity, so that your credit union can focus on its core business.

Here’s why Doxim is the right vendor to help your credit union digitalize seamlessly and achieve digital communication success:

  • We provide a full service, consolidated platform with integration and management of disparate systems and vendors
  • Our security posture is assessed regularly and we maintain top ranked security processes across all criteria
  • Our model includes full redundancy options to ensure continued operations
  • We provide real time support, education and troubleshooting so that your credit union can focus on its core business

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Josh Noble
VP Sales, Financial Services North America at Doxim
Josh is a solutions consultant by nature, focused on identifying customer communication solutions for financial institutions.
In his position as Vice President of Sales (USA), Josh leverages his experience to understand the needs, and propose solutions, for customer communications management in credit unions and community banks.

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