Scott Biel

Scott Biel

Scott Biel

Chief Revenue Officer
Scott has 25 years of experience in Customer Communications Management (CCM), with a primary focus on delivering exceptional results for the financial services industry. In his current position as CRO, Scott oversees all revenue-generating activities and works closely with executive leadership, sales, solutions and partners, to develop and execute a revenue strategy that further positions customers and the business for maximum shared success. He leverages his extensive knowledge of CCM, regulated and financial services to improve customer experience, drive operational effectiveness and achieve cost optimization through digital technologies.

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How to Leverage Personalized, Interactive Video in Insurance

How to Leverage Personalized, Interactive Video in Insurance

Leverage the power of personalized interactive video to create engaging, interactive content that cost-effectively delivers personalized customer care & maximizes ROI at scale. Read how Doxim CCM Interactive Video can augment your operations, satisfy customers & boost your bottom line

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